This page contains software that controls the router.
Control Interface Servo System
The servo system is the software most machines use for control. All LC, RG, LC Plus, Pro, Premium, Servo Davinci, and 3024 machines will use this software.
Control Interface v1.423.8 Full Install
Download and run the Full v1.423 Setup: This setup installs the Techno CNC Interface as well as the PCI servo drivers. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, you must run it with administrator privileges and with UAC turned off.
If you install the Techno CNC Interface into an older installation directory, it will upgrade the software and leave your settings intact.
Control Interface v1.423.15 upgrade files
Download and run the v1.423.15 Upgrade files: Download this file, uncompress and overwrite your old techno.exe and pend.dll file in your cnc interface folder
Interface Servo Drivers
If you only want to install the PCI drivers,
- Download the PCI Card Drivers for all versions of Windows EXE file OR the Drivers as a .zip file. To Install The Drivers on Windows Vista or Windows 7, the drivers must be installed with administrator privileges and UAC turned off.
- Download the 32-bit Driver or 64-bit Driver Techno PNP DLL File, rename the file to technopnp.dll and copy it into the installation folder (e.g. c:\program files\techno cnc interface\).
If you want to run the CNC interface on a computer that does not have a PCI card (demo mode only, obviously), download the Techno PNP Demo DLL File, rename this file to technopnp.dll and copy it into c:\program files\techno cnc interface\; this will eliminate the need to install drivers on a computer with no PCI card.
OLD 98/2000/XP DLL File, OLD 98/2000/XP Driver installer (Useful for windows 98SE). The "Old drivers" will never work with Windows Vista or Windows 7, and will not work with XP on some computers.
Plasma Torch Pre-Preprocessor (requires and required for 420R or higher)
Drill Cycles pre-preprocessor for version 416 and higher - Copy this file named as is into your c:\program files\techno cnc interface folder. Once you have copied this file in, run the CNC interface and press and hold the "preprocess" button. It will bring up a menu to configure the pre-preprocessor. Double-click on drillcycles. Then say OK. Next time you preprocess a file, the drill cycles will be fixed.
Drill Cycles Fix for build 415 and earlier. - Rename this file .pre
Two-Z pre-preprocessor TwoZ Prepreprocessor Directions - Copy this file named as is into your c:\program files\techno cnc interface folder. You MUST have version 416 or higher properly installed for this to work. Once you have copied this file in, run the CNC interface and press and hold the "preprocess" button. It will bring up a menu to configure the pre-preprocessor. Double-click on twoz. Then say OK. Next time you preprocess a file, the two Z functionality will be implemented.
Two-Z Drill Bank for build 415 and earlier - Rename this file .pre
Scaler - Scaler Prepreprocessor Copy this file named as is into your c:\program files\techno cnc interface folder. You MUST have version 416 or higher properly installed for this to work. Once you have copied this file in, run the CNC interface and press and hold the "preprocess" button. It will bring up a menu to configure the pre-preprocessor. Double-click on scaler. Then say OK. Next time you preprocess a file, the file will be scaled according to the settings in setup.
Previewer 2.7.2 - Previewer upgrade exe file
Previewer 2.5.2 Full Installer - For standalone installs
Legacy (Older) Software Installers
Old Techno CNC Interface 400 (rename to .exe)
Old Techno CNC Interface 377 (rename to .exe)
Old Techno CNC Interface 377 preprocessor (rename to .dll)
Control Interface Stepper Davinci System
Davinci Stepper System Full Installer